Fellow Toastmasters, toastees and toastettes, and other fruit spreaders and jammers, In regard to moving into 2001, I am operating by the Chinese calendar and the Year of the Dragon will be a dragging on no more. I am waiting…
Speech #3 Organize Your Speech: Lettuce and Tomato Please but Hold on the Tylenol
Fellow Toastees, Toastettes, and various Marmaladers, When John called me last night, I was hard-pressed to think of a lesson that I’ve learned from life. After all M. D., according to my wife, stands for mentally deficient, so it was…
Recent updates
What’s New in My Practice:
I am presently in semi-retirement. I am no longer doing any medication management services except for patients I am seeing for psychotherapy. I am doing selected psychotherapy with patients interested in a Buddhist or an alternative medical approach. My main…
Free Taichi Classes
Honolulu: Mondays and Wednesdays 5-6 PM Kapiolani Park near the former archery range Kailua: Saturdays 8-9 AM Kailua Beach Park across from Buzz’s Steakhouse In addition, every second Wednesday and Saturday of each month Dr. Yuen will teach one of…
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