Dr. Greg Yuen

Hands on Healing

Hands on Healing

It seems so natural to rub ourselves when we feel a pain somewhere in our body. What is surprising is that we do not do this enough.

The Chinese mastered the art of self-massage through “daoyin”. The Japanese popularized it as “do-in”. In its most scientific application, daoyin stimulates the same points used in acupuncture. In a more down-to-earth form, daoyin is simple and available to anyone as an excellent tool for health maintenance.

You first have to get over the idea of massaging yourself. Of course, if you have a sore knee, you will probably massage it, but daoyin goes further. The value of daoyin comes when you massage your whole body. If you massage your whole body, that’s the most that you can do for your body. An holistic approach believes that spot treatment does not compare to the value of doing it all.

Just start with one hand and press it with the fingers or thumb of your other hand. Explore the entire hand. Did you know that there were 26 bones in your hand? Try to feel where these bones are. Feel what else may be there in terms of tendons and other tissues. After you work on both hands, you can work on your arms, feet, legs, chest, belly, back, neck, head. Get down to the bone.

Feeling the physical sensations of your massage is the key to better health and healing yourself. You are giving the fullest attention to your body. Whether it is your work, your children, or your plants, whatever you give full attention will grow and blossom.

If you need help with getting to know your body, get a full body massage from a massage therapist that is willing to teach you about what you can do for yourself. Learn some of your pressure points and more about your anatomy.

The abdomen is particularly important in Chinese medicine because the lower belly is where qi, the vital force, is stored. The belly is also a place where emotions are stored and need to be released. A good approach to the belly is to lie on your back on your carpet with your knees up and feet on the floor. Cup both hands and put their backs together so that you form a small “m” when you look at your hands in front of you. Use your fingers to press deep into your belly in a clockwise direction around your navel. You can actually feel your spine if you go deep enough. As a general rule, the small intestine corresponds to an inner circle around your navel; the large intestines follow another circle outside the small intestines. Feel your entire belly, press under your rib cage, and go all the way to your pubic bone. All of this helps digestion, elimination, and qi development.

Daoyin helps you know yourself and know your body. This simple, yet incredible healing tool makes you feel good. It is worth as much as your life.