Dr. Greg Yuen

The Self Tape

The Self Tape

Once you are convinced that affirmations are beneficial for your life, you might buy an audiocassette tape to give you a positive uplift. The trouble with this is that this tape is not custom-made for you as an individual. Then enters…the Self Tape — your own recording that will directly address your unique concerns.

Get a tape recorder that automatically switches to the other side of the tape while it runs. That way you can listen to your Self Tape continuously and repeatedly without having to flip the tape over.

The best way to talk to yourself is by thinking of someone who has made a powerful impact in your life and imagine you are that person talking to you. For my fiancee, I recommended that she have her grandfather talk to her because he loved her unconditionally and supported her in everything that she was about. The way you talk to yourself should be relaxing, soothing, comforting, encouraging, inspiring, and loving. You might include music in the background to enhance the imprint of your positive thoughts into your subconscious. Say “You” to yourself as if you are actually another person. (You could also speak from the first person and use “I” if that works better for you.)

The next step is to decide what categories you want to include on your Self Tape. Below are the categories that I chose for my Self Tape:

1. Appreciation
2. Religion or Spirituality
3. Self-esteem
4. Commitment and Values
5. Goals
6. Prayer
7. People and the World
8. Conversation

You want to begin with appreciation because before asking for more out of life, it is only proper to be thankful for what you already have. Be thankful for the good and the bad. The best way to appreciate negativity is to learn from it.

People need to assert their religious or spiritual positions. In this way, we strengthen our beliefs. My description of my Higher Power is, “Nature and the Universe, You stand above me, to guide me through the Eternal Principles of the Natural. I know that all that exists abide by Your Laws. The more I keep You in mind, the more I discover Your wondrous Magic and Mystery.”

Self-esteem has been an area that I have worked on for many years with myself. What keeps me feeling good is, “I am perfect exactly the way I am and I can still strive for more.” An extension of my Empty Vessel Process always helps me conclude, “the Truth about me is nothing. I decide what I am (no matter what anyone else thinks) and I will therefore continue to create myself in a way that works for me.” I have been displeased with my billing system, but instead of being overly critical, I say, “If you keep working a little at a time, you will be able to eventually transform your business. You just need to keep working at it.” Working on self-esteem involves forgiving yourself for your weaknesses and acknowledging yourself for your strengths.

Sometimes people are unwilling to take a stand on things. Either they are indifferent to their outcomes in life or they can’t let go of the freedom to experience life with no particular direction. They need reminders to focus on their priorities. Commitment is our promise to ourselves, others, and the world.

Progressing from your self-esteem and your values, your affirmations can further transform you by statements about your possibilities and potential. Stating what you are willing to become begins the manifestation without having to do anything. “I am willing to be filthy rich right now.”

The willingness then leads to more challenging goals. Goals must be: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timed; remember the mnemonic – SMART. You can have goals in the areas of life such as: mind, body, love, money, and sex.

While a goal is more business-like, prayer simply states the condition that is desired. It speaks humbly and submits to the Will of the Greater One.

Having affirmations about your relationship with people may be encompassed in commitments, goals, or prayers, but deserves a category of its own. Here you may declare your relationship to the world and anything that involves other humans.

The section on “conversations” simply allows for anything else that you went to say to yourself that is not otherwise covered. You can here be as informal as you like, “Look, Greg, you have been doing pretty good at this, but you’ve got to be more careful at that. You know what I mean?”

The Self Tape is meant to be provocative and inspiring. You must above all feel greatness, love, and joy from hearing your Self Tape. Give yourself the best talk of your life!