Dr. Greg Yuen

Hands on Healing

Hands on Healing It seems so natural to rub ourselves when we feel a pain somewhere in our body. What is surprising is that we do not do this enough. The Chinese mastered the art of self-massage through “daoyin”. The…

Chop Suey

Chop Suey…as Medicine The Chinese maintain that health depends on one’s vital energy, called “qi (chi)”. Chinese dietary therapy cultivates the qi. According to the Chinese, foods are classified, not by their nutritive components, but rather by the kind of…

Be a Sport

Be a Sport I am thankful again to write for this paper. It’s been my habit to see nature working in our lives and to apply natural principles to daily living. A series of future columns will be devoted to…

Using Affirmations

Using Affirmations A client recently claimed he didn’t know who he was. I tried to console him by saying, “Who you are…is beyond words.” He already had such a bad opinion of himself and now I was confirming it, “You’re…

The Self Tape

The Self Tape Once you are convinced that affirmations are beneficial for your life, you might buy an audiocassette tape to give you a positive uplift. The trouble with this is that this tape is not custom-made for you as…

The Mind

The Mind It feels good to start Chinese New Year with an exploration of the 5 areas of life. If you have not been following my column, I had previously been discussing the 5 Natural Success principles. These principles are…