Dr. Greg Yuen

Temper Your Thoughts

Temper Your Thoughts I’ve used the Empty Vessel Process with many of my clients and have generally received good results with it. Like any experience of insight, the maximum benefit comes when it is applied properly in your life. What…

Sweet Three Feet

Sweet Three Feet The renown Gestalt therapist Fritz Perls claims neurosis is a difficulty in grasping the obvious. The psychologist-turned-guru Ram Dass, the former Richard Alpert, made famous the message “Be here now.” This suggests that what is important in…

Reflect On Your Beliefs

Reflect on Your Beliefs A client asked me what I thought about reincarnation.  As the inscrutable psychiatrist, I, in turn, asked him what he thought about reincarnation.  He said he was not sure and that it certainly deserved more reflection. …

Ancient Churnings

Ancient Churnings Good memory is considered one of seven signs of good health in the practice of macrobiotics. Macrobiotics is a discipline that uses natural principles to achieve health and happiness primarily through the use of good nutrition.  It follows…

The Way You Are

The Way You Are In past articles, I have examined some natural components that are inherent in who we are: peace, love, creativity, self-esteem, responsibility, and choice.  Now let’s look at how we came to be the way we are.…


Peacefully Yours I was recently interviewed to be part of a team to produce healthy vacations on Maui for mainlanders.  Part of the feedback I received about my work was that I was too “simplistic”.  On the one hand, this…