Fellow Toastees, Toastettes, and various Marmaladers, When John called me last night, I was hard-pressed to think of a lesson that I’ve learned from life. After all M. D., according to my wife, stands for mentally deficient, so it was…
Speech #9 Persuade with Power: Possible Panacea
Can you imagine a world without any physical disease or mental illness? Can there really be something to reduce the suffering that you gone through with colds and flu or any physical ailment you have to put up with? Or…
Speech #11 Entertaining Speech: A Visit to the Shrink’s
It’s grammaration.Yeah, they make me say the words.No, I’m not hearing voices, they’re making me say that I am evil… That’s just another line you might hear if you were a psychiatrist like me on any given day. You never…
Speech #10 Inspire Your Audience: Time for a Check-up
You probably didn’t realize it was time for a check-up because most of you are under 40, or under 50, and then some more. You’ve got time to enjoy life and the worries of failing health await later years. Well,…
Speech #6 Work with Words: Beating the Blues with Medicine
Do you know any albino black Jewish lesbians on Zoloft? J That?s the name of an off-broadway play written by a friend of mine. It illustrates how much drugs for depression have woven into all of our lives. I?m not…
Speech #4 Show What You Mean: All About Nothing
Fellow Toastmasters, toastees and toastettes, and other fruit spreaders and jammers, In regard to moving into 2001, I am operating by the Chinese calendar and the Year of the Dragon will be a dragging on no more. I am waiting…