Dr. Greg Yuen

Seven Star Boxing and Zhan Zhuong

Seven Stars Boxing

1. Draw the Bow on Both Sides- lunge left and right

2. Stand Firm and Support the Sky- squat, then push palms to the sky on toes

3. Move Heaven and Earth- twist torso to one side (left or right) with one hand down and the other up; then arch side of body

4. Bend Forward and Backward- bending to touch head to knees, hands holding backs of ankles; then leaning back to look at the sky

5. Roc Spreads its Wings- pointing down and to the side with foot and sword fingers, other hand pointing upward diagonally with sword fingers; left and right; sword fingers– ring and little finger held by thumb, middle and index fingers point

6. Scale- left and right, sword fingers pointing

7. Heaven Revolves- let torso and arms circle left and right


Zhan Zhuong – "Standing like a tree"

1. Taichi standing position (#l)

2. Holding balloon at chest level (#2)

3. Holding belly (#3)

4. Standing in a stream (#4)

5. Holding balloon in front of your face (#5)

Practice cycle of #1, #2, #5, #4, and #3

6. Doing any of the above but shifting weight to each side, left and right leg (#6)

7. Holding the ball on one side (#7)- #2 and turn to left or right with front heel off the floor

8. Extending one foot forward (#8)- #7 and then lengthen stance with front foot out further, heel off the floor; then one hand like #4 and other hand like #5

9. Rising up on one leg (#9)- raise one foot and hand, weight on other foot and other hand held about waist level; second phase is to raise leg with toes upward and both palms facing outward


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