Can you imagine a world
without any physical disease or mental illness? Can there really be
something to reduce the suffering that you gone through with colds and
flu or any physical ailment you have to put up with? Or what about the
suffering that you have seen a loved one go through with a chronic or
terminal illness? Can there be a solution for all of it? Well, it’s
hard to believe, but I’ve got a hold of something that might give us
just that. It’s called Electrodermal Screening or EDS.
With an EDS device, we connect you to a couple of electrodes and
measure the electrical nature of various points on your body. This
gives us information about the health of the internal organs that
correspond to those points just like the acupuncture points. Once we
know where the problems are, we can add various remedies to the circuit
and see if they in fact improve the electrical readings for the problem
Consider that our bodies are electrical in nature. We know this
clearly when we walk across a carpet in our bare feet and then reach
for a metal door knob and receive a surprising shock. We may remember
that there have been scientists through the 17th through the 19th
century that have supported the idea of an energetic view of the body,
including Galvani after which we have named the Galvanic skin response,
and Mesmer, from whom we coined mesmerism.
If you have ever had acupuncture, you subscribe to a system of
circuits of energy in your body. When a taichi master does taichi, he
can feel the flow of the chi energy in his body. According to Chinese
medicine the flow of the energy follows the lines of the meridians as
seen in this acupuncture doll (show doll).
Each organ in our body releases energy, call it chi or otherwise,
and this in turn is associated with a particular electro-magnetic
field. This energy and field contains information about the organ. In
this way, the physical structure and functioning of that organ affect
the quality and strength of the energy created by the organ.
After a few centuries when the energetic theories of the body have
been discarded, improved instrumentation has been developed to better
measure the electrical nature of the body. In the 1950’s, a German
doctor Reinhold Voll invented the prototype of devices for EDS and he
called it the Dermatron. The Dermatron, and its successors, are simply
ohm meters, meters to measure electrical resistance. They deliver
about 10-12 microamps of direct electrical current, about 1-1.25 volts,
nothing shocking, a safe level of electricity. From the Dermatron are
two electrodes. One is held in the hand of the patient. The other is
the probe used by the doctor to test the various points on the body.
In the EDS system, 40 control measurement points correspond to the
meridians in the body, some of these are related to the traditional
energy meridians of acupuncture, some were discovered by Dr. Voll.
These are located in the hands and the feet.
What we have here then is a diagnostic tool that can virtually find
any and every physical problem in your body. It can scan every inch of
your digestive tract to find any lesions. It can pinpoint the precise
location in your nervous system where there maybe a problem. It can
track every part of your circulatory system and tell you if you have a
potential heart blockage without cardiac catheterization. Pretty
amazing, huh?
It’s great that we can diagnose every little imbalance in our body, but what do we do about it?
The Electrodermal Screening system has an answer to this also.
First consider that Dr. Voll created a system of therapeutics called
EAV, electroacupuncture according to Voll. This is simply using the
theory and practice of acupuncture but instead of stimulation with
needles, stimulation is electrical according to the system of circuits
that Dr. Voll has discovered beyond the traditional Chinese medical
acupuncture system.
Beyond EAV is another exciting area of treatment called Medicine
Testing. Dr. Voll discovered this by accident. He had diagnosed a
colleague as having chronic prostatitis and had advised him to take a
homeopathic preparation called Echinaceae 4X, a particular strengh of
Echinacea. When his friend was retested for his prostate problem, the
control point for the prostate tested an improvement. Dr. Voll
realized what made the difference was that his friend was holding the
remedy in his hand while they were testing the control point. When his
friend put the remedy on the table, the control point tested abnormal
again. This was the beginning of medicine testing.
By letting the patient hold a remedy in his hand or by connecting
the remedy to the circuit of the EDS device by placing it on a metal
tray, you can test whether that particular remedy will have some
benefit for the patient. You can test medications, herbal remedies,
homeopathic remedies, dietary supplements, and even foods.
Through the experience of working with various remedies, the
pioneers of EDS believe that homeopathic remedies work the best with
EDS. How many of you have ever heard of homeopathic remedies before?
How many of you have ever used homeopathic remedies before? Please
consider that homeopathy is the primary medicine used by the royal
family of England and you know that the Queen Mother Mathilda is a
hundred years old, truly old enough to be considered a national
historical monument.
Homeopathy works quite different than allopathy, the medicine that
we are used to. Allopathy, by the roots of the word, means you fight
against germs or disease. Homeopathy, by its roots, means you go along
with the germs or disease. An ocean wave helps explain how homeopathy
works. Consider that the wave is the wave of an illness coursing
through your being. What allopathic medicine does is fight the wave to
keep it from breaking. What homeopathic medicine does is push the wave
along so that it will break and get over with sooner. Homeopathic
remedies in fact induce similar symptoms to the condition for which it
Homeopathic remedies are made from various substances and they are
diluted in water. In fact, these substances are diluted so much that
not even one molecule of that original substance is found in the
solution. This has probably been the best selling snake oil that I
have ever seen! Have I got a remedy for you! J You sell something in
water that you can’t even find in the water. Well, all due respect to
homeopathy, even if I’ve got my M.D., you still see it stocked on the
shelves in the health food stores. Somebody’s using it; somebody’s
making money, I’m just in the wrong business.
What the EDS people say is that we are really dealing with
"vibrational" medicine. This is getting very
"doodiedoodie.doodiedoodie". The homeopathic remedies contain
vibrational information that you are conveying to the body. This
vibrational, do we dare say "spiritual", information sets the
groundwork in the formation of the body structure and function. Now a
lot of you are in the construction business, you deal with things that
are solid and hard. We’ve got a few attorneys, they are logical and
need a damn good argument to be convinced. We’ve got financial
advisors, that want to see the money.
All I can say about homeopathy is that all construction projects
begin with an idea, that comes out of space, and from that idea you
proceed to the finished project. To satisfy the attorneys, the
principal of homeopathy is like taichi or aikido, you are using the
energy of your enemy to turn it against them. And for the financial
advisors, we’ve already seen that homeopathy sells; are you willing to
buy into it?
What I’ve talked about sounds too good to be true. Yet the actual
technology has been available for decades. What are you going to do
about it? Consider this complete picture of your health that is not
based on lab tests, X-rays and CT scans. With EDS, you can get the
real goods about the physical structure and function of your body. If
you are interested in EDS, please ask me more about it. Indeed it
could be a possible panacea; it’s really a pretty picture; it’s not a
political ploy.