Dr. Greg Yuen


Creativity My mother always said about my fiancee, who was an artist, “Oh you are so artistic!”   When she said this, mom implied that she herself had no artistic ability whatsoever.  Many people don’t think of themselves as being creative…

All There is is Love

All There is is Love We called her “Sikoshi Cat”, after the Japanese word for “a little”.  It meant “to cuddle” in our imaginations.  This longhaired Burmese cat just started roaming around our home, entering our open door, and making…

First Blog!

Aloha to you all! It seems so fitting that the December 1 issue of Time magazine sports the title “Annual Checkup:  The Sorry State of American Health” just when I am launching my health blog for the first time. The…

Longevity at Any Cost?

A recent article in the news talks about Dr. Jeffry Life who endorses a regimen of human growth hormone and testosterone injections for his patients to keep them young…all in the pursuit of longevity. This blog is about a healthy…

Food and You

  Last Saturday was a glorious day at my Kailua taichi class. The sun was out after our bouts of rain, there was a nice group of people attending, and the interaction was lively. The topic for the Special Day, which we…