Dr. Greg Yuen



(from the book Tai Chi Chi Kung by Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming)

1. Stretching the trunk muscles- interlock fingers, push ms above head, twists left/right; lean left/right; bend forward; squatting, squat on toes.

2. Warm- ups — less emphasis on the mind

a Abdomen- expand and rotate around navel

b Diaphragm- expand up and down, turning to side

c. Chest- expand and contract

d. Arms- two swung in front by body undulating; one arm
e. Rotating wrists- both directions, both hands; one hand (moving from torso, clockwise and counterclockwise)

f . Coil forward and back- palms down, fingers pointing to each other in center and thrust palm forward and up; one hand and turn body

g. Settle wrists- hyperextend both palms by undulating body; one palm

h. Rotate the energy ball, connect leas to hands, play

i. Push to the sides- palms push to sides

3. Wai Dan Standing Meditation

a. Arcing arms or Embracing Moon on Chest- weight on one leg 3 minutes, other leg on toes- then switch sides
b. Holding up the Heaven- squat and push palms up with head back (sink and then stand up), not for weak or old
4. Stationary Taichi Chi Kung- Primary Set

a. Stand still to regulate the breathing

b. Big python softens its body – loosen up from legs to shoulders, let arms dangle

c. Chi is sunk to the dantien – arms up (inhale) and down (exhale) like "beginning of taichi"

d. Expand the chest to clean the body- arms cross in front inhale), arms expand out to sides (exhale)

e. Pour the chi into the baihui- opposite of d., arms don’t cross, palms at center

f. Left and right to push the mountains- hands up by chest (inhale), push to sides (exhale), hands back by chest (inhale), push down (exhale), done loosely
Settle the wrists and push the palms- lift palms up to chest (inhale), push palms forward (exhale), palms back to chest (inhale), push down (exhale)
Large bear swimming in the water- lift palms up to chest (inhale), thrust forward and do breast stroke (exhale)
Left and Right to open the mountain- same as h. but do one arm stroke only and turn body (alternate arms)
Eagle attacks its prey- lift palms up to chest inhale), swing arms back to front with palms down exhale), legs to arms
Lion rotates the ball- same as j. but do one arm only and turn body (alternate arms)
White crane spreads its wing- arms cross in front inhale), one arm up and one arm down like taichi "white stork" (exhale), alternate sides; end with palms pushing down
Release stagnation by rocking on heels and toes

5. Coiling set ( can use more reverse breathing)

a. Stand calmly to regulate the hsin and breathing
b. White crane relaxes its wings- arms dangling, turn palm inward (inhale), turn palm outward (exhale), legs to fingers
c. Drill forward and pull back- palms lift up to chest (inhale), thrust forward palm up (exhale), palms back to chest (inhale), ]?alms push down (exhale)
d. Left and right Yin and Yang- same as c. but one hand only and turn body; arm back (inhale), arm forward (exhale)
Water and fire mutually interact- palms lift up to chest (inhale), palms push down (exhale)

f. Large bear encircles the moon- palms lift up to chest (inhale), push palms forward facing away (exhale), arms back to chest (inhale), push down (exhale)

Living buddha holds up the heavens- similar to f., but push palms above head, fingers pointing to each other
Turn heaven and earth in front of your body- palms lift up to chest (inhale), one palm pushing up and other pushing down in middle of body (exhale), alternate sides
Golden rooster twists its wings- same as h., but palm pushing down goes in back of body, alternate sides
Turn your head to look at the moon- same as i., but turn body to side, turn left when right hand up, alternate
k . Big python turns its body- spread legs, 60% of weight to one side, turn body to that side while doing j., alternate sides

l. Up and down coiling- raise arms up to sky (inhale), turn body and feet to rest with one knee down crossed legs and bring elbows down (exhale), alternate sides; end with palms pushing down


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